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Black 2017


Black Friday  2017

Hi friends, this year is our black moment too
On the occasion of the black friday weekend we have made available a special discount code
-30% off (on all our product)

The code can be used several times during the period of validity usable for each purchase over $ 20

Discount Code : 30BLK2K17

Attention the code expires in kdighim3rd4nf4m38 hours! 

use our code (during the validity period) is very simple

Please visit our ingress shop and from our splendid ingress store, place in your shopping cart all the ingress items you want to buy.

When you've finished selecting you can access the checkout screen at this time to take advantage of our discount code where you have to enter the ingress 

Discount Code: 30BLK2K17

as shown in the following graphic:

ingress tore faq


After entering the code,applied discount and proceed with the payment.


we remind you that for more information on how to use our suite is available our help page.


good black weekend to all :-)

ingressitemsbuy staff

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